================== Ahven User's Guide ================== Tero Koskinen Overview ######## Introduction ============ Ahven is a unit test library. It is modeled after JUnit framework for Java, but some ideas are also taken from another Ada unit test library, AUnit. The purpose of Ahven is to be a small and portable unit test library, which works with multiple different Ada 95 compilers. Ahven has no external dependencies and therefore it is easy to build on various platforms. Ahven tries to be compatible with utilities related to unit testing. For example, it uses same XML format for test results as Java tools. This allows easy integration to CruiseControl, Ant, and other similar programs. License ======= Ahven is distributed under permissive ISC license (shown below). :: -- -- Copyright (c) 2008, 2009, 2010 Tero Koskinen -- -- Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software for any -- purpose with or without fee is hereby granted, provided that the above -- copyright notice and this permission notice appear in all copies. -- -- THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS" AND THE AUTHOR DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES -- WITH REGARD TO THIS SOFTWARE INCLUDING ALL IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF -- MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR BE LIABLE FOR -- ANY SPECIAL, DIRECT, INDIRECT, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES OR ANY DAMAGES -- WHATSOEVER RESULTING FROM LOSS OF USE, DATA OR PROFITS, WHETHER IN AN -- ACTION OF CONTRACT, NEGLIGENCE OR OTHER TORTIOUS ACTION, ARISING OUT OF -- OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE USE OR PERFORMANCE OF THIS SOFTWARE. -- You are allowed to embed Ahven into a proprietary commercial application. Only requirement is to keep the copyright notice and the permission notice in the source code files. You do not need to distribute Ahven's source code if you distribute Ahven or some parts of Ahven in the binary form. Building and Installing Ahven ############################# To build and install Ahven source code, you need an Ada 95 compiler. At the moment, Ahven is tested with four different compiler families: GNAT, ObjectAda, Irvine ICCAda, and Janus/Ada. GNAT GPL series and FSF GCC =========================== When you have GNAT GPL or FSF GCC, the easieast way to compile and install Ahven is to use the *make* utility and Makefile. When compiling using the *make* utility, you need to tell your platform type. Currently, only supported platform types are *unix* and *windows*. The type can be told by setting OS_VERSION variable to the selected platform. :: $ make OS_VERSION=unix If you are unable to use *make*, you can use the GNAT project files directly. Ahven distribution comes with three GNAT project files: ahven.gpr, ahven_lib.gpr, and ahven_tests.gpr. The *ahven.gpr* file is meant to be used when compiling unit tests. The library itself is build using the *ahven_lib.gpr* file. To build the testsuite of the Ahven, one needs to use the *ahven_tests.gpr* file. Like with Makefile, you need to tell your platform type. This time the selection happens by using an environment variable called *OS*. The variable accepts same values as Makefile. :: $ OS=windows gnatmake -P ahven_lib $ OS=windows gnatmake -P ahven_tests Installing Library ------------------ You can install the library by using command *make install*. By default the installation happens to the */usr/local* directory. Alternative directory can be set by overwriting the *PREFIX* variable. :: $ make OS_VERSION=unix PREFIX=/opt/ada install GNAT 3.15p ========== Version 3.15p of GNAT does not understand some features used in the default GNAT project files. Therefore, you need to use project files from the *contrib/gnat315p* directory. ObjectAda ========= There is no project file included for ObjectAda. To compile Ahven, you need to create a new project and import the source code of Ahven to the project. Irvine ICCAda ============= Easiest way to build Ahven with ICCAda is to use *icm* utility:: C:\ahven-1.8>cd src C:\ahven-1.8\src>icm new C:\ahven-1.8\src>icm scan *.ad? windows\*.ad? C:\ahven-1.8\src>icm make libmain C:\ahven-1.8\src>cd ..\test C:\ahven-1.8\test>icm new -search=..\src C:\ahven-1.8\test>icm scan *.ad? C:\ahven-1.8\test>icm make tester Janus/Ada ========= Directory *janusada* contains project file creation scripts for Janus/Ada. By default, the scripts assume Janus/Ada to be installed to directory *C:\\Janus312\\*. If that is not the case, change the path from file *prepare.bat*. :: C:\ahven-1.8>janusada\prepare.bat Before compiling the library, you need to run the preparation script *janusada\\prepare.bat*. Then, scan the sources and create compilation script by running *janusada\\update.bat*. :: C:\ahven-1.8>janusada\update.bat Now you are ready to compile the project. This happens by running *compile.bat* script. :: C:\ahven-1.8>janusada\compile.bat After a while, you should have compiled library files in the *lib_obj* directory and an executable called *tap_test.exe* in the *test_obj* directory. The executable is Ahven's test suite and if it reports no errors, everything is working as expected. At the time of writing (Ahven 1.8), every test except one should pass. The failing test is worked around in the Ahven's source code, but the test exists so that one can verify when the Janus/Ada bug causing the failure is fixed. .. COMMENT: Using Ahven - Writing a test case - Composing test hierarchies with test suites - Running tests Using Ahven ########### The heart of Ahven is an abstract type called ``Test``. It presents an entity which can be run by *a test runner*. Types ``Test_Case`` and ``Test_Suite`` are derived from the ``Test`` type. The ``Test_Case`` type is the base type for unit tests and the ``Test_Suite`` type is a container, which can hold other ``Test`` objects. Writing a Test Case =================== To create a new test case you need to create a new package and a new type, which is derived from ``Ahven.Framework.Test_Case``. There are no required functions or procedures to be implemented, but to make the test case do something you need to override the ``Initialize`` procedure and create at least one procedure which tests something:: -- my_tests.ads with Ahven.Framework; package My_Tests is type Test is new Ahven.Framework.Test_Case with null record; procedure Initialize (T : in out Test); private procedure Test_Addition; end My_Tests; To add tests to the test case you need to call procedure ``Ahven.Framework.Add_Test_Routine`` during the test case initialization (in other words, in the ``Initialize`` procedure). :ref:`testcase_a_body` shows how the ``Test_Addition`` is added to the test case. It also shows how to set a name for the test case with the ``Set_Name`` procedure. .. _testcase_a_body: A test case package body ------------------------ :: -- my_tests.adb package body My_Tests is procedure Initialize (T : in out Test) is begin Set_Name (T, "My tests"); Ahven.Framework.Add_Test_Routine (T, Test_Addition'Access, "Addition"); end Initialize; procedure Test_Addition is begin null; end Test_Addition; end My_Tests; Calling Assertion Procedures ============================ To test whether a condition is true or false, Ahven offers you three procedures. The first procedure is :ref:`Ahven.Assert `. It takes a boolean value and a message string as its parameters. If the boolean value is false the ``Assert`` raises an ``Assertion_Error`` exception with the given string. The exception is catched by the framework. and when the test results are shown the error is also shown with the given message. Another assertion procedure is a generic :ref:`Ahven.Assert_Equal ` procedure. It is meant for comparing two objects of same type. If the objects are not equal the ``Assertion_Error`` exception with the given message string is raised. The third assertion procedure is simple :ref:`Ahven.Fail ` which always raises the ``Assertion_Error`` exception. It is handy for situations where the execution should not reach a certain place (see :ref:`fail_example`). .. _fail_example: Fail in action -------------- :: package body My_Tests is ... procedure Test_My_Proc is begin begin My_Proc (-1); -- should raise Custom_Error Fail ("Custom_Error expected"); exception when Custom_Error => null; -- expected -- Note: the exception block should not -- catch Assertion_Error. Otherwise -- the assertion failure will not be noticed. end; end Test_My_Proc; end My_Tests; Composing Test Hierarchies With Test Suites =========================================== The ``Test_Suite`` type is used to group related tests together. You can also add other test suites to the suite and create a hierarchy of tests. The tests are added to the test suite using either procedure ``Add_Static_Test`` or ``Add_Test``. The former procedure is meant for statically created tests and it places a copy of the given test to the test suite. The ``Add_Test`` procedure is used with dynamically created tests and test objects of type Test_Class_Access. At the moment, the dynamically added tests are executed first in the order they have been added (first in, first out - FIFO) and after them the statically added tests, also in FIFO order. :ref:`suite_example` shows how to put test cases in a test suite. .. _suite_example: Suite Example ------------- :: package body My_Tests is ... function Get_Test_Suite return Ahven.Framework.Test_Suite is S : Framework.Test_Suite := Framework.Create_Suite ("All"); Hello_World_Test : Hello_World.Test; Listener_Test : Basic_Listener_Tests.Test; begin Framework.Add_Static_Test (S, Hello_World_Test); Framework.Add_Static_Test (S, Listener_Test); return S; end Get_Test_Suite; end My_Tests; Running Tests ============= The tests are run by test runners. These runners are procedures which take either test cases or test suites as their parameters. Currently, there exists three test runners. Ahven.Runner is the basic runner, which prints the test results as a hierarchy. Ahven.XML_Runner on the other hand writes the test results to an XML file, which is understood by continuous integration systems like CruiseControl and Hudson. The third runner is Ahven.Tap_Runner. It produces the results in Test-Anything-Protocol (TAP) format. The recommended way to use these test runners is to call them from the main program: :: with Ahven.Text_Runner; with Ahven.Framework; with Simple_Tests; procedure Tester is S : Ahven.Framework.Test_Suite := Ahven.Framework.Create_Suite ("All"); begin Ahven.Framework.Add_Test (S, new Simple_Tests.Test); Ahven.Text_Runner.Run (S); end Tester; Parameters ---------- Ahven.Text_Runner recognizes following parameters: .. program:: tester .. cmdoption:: -d directory for test results .. cmdoption:: -x output in XML format .. cmdoption:: -c capture and report test outputs .. cmdoption:: -q quiet results .. cmdoption:: -v verbose results (default)