type Test_Count_Type is new Natural;
Type for the test count. This effectively limits the amount tests to whatever Natural is.
Although, in practice when adding tests the limit is not checked.
subtype Test_Duration is Duration range 0.0 .. Three_Hours;
Subtype for the test timeouts. Limited to 3 hours, which should be enough for unit tests. Timeout value 0.0 means infinite time.
type Test is abstract new Ada.Finalization.Controlled with null record;
type Object_Test_Routine_Access is
access procedure (T : in out Test_Case'Class);
A pointer to a test routine which takes Test_Case’Class object as an argument.
For this kind of test routines, the framework will call Set_Up and Tear_Down routines before and after test routine execution.
type Simple_Test_Routine_Access is access procedure;
A pointer to a test routine which does not take arguments.
type Test_Suite is new Test with private;
A collection of Tests.
You can either fill a Test_Suite object with Test_Case objects or nest multiple Test_Suite objects. You can even mix Test_Case and Test_Suite objects, if necessary.
procedure Set_Up (T : in out Test);
procedure Tear_Down (T : in out Test);
Tear_Down is called after the test procedure is executed.
function Get_Name (T : Test) return String is abstract;
procedure Run (T : in out Test;
Listener : in out Listeners.Result_Listener'Class);
procedure Run (T : in out Test;
Listener : in out Listeners.Result_Listener'Class;
Timeout : Test_Duration)
is abstract;
procedure Run (T : in out Test;
Test_Name : String;
Listener : in out Listeners.Result_Listener'Class);
Run the test with given name and place the test result to Result. Notice: If multiple tests have same name this might call all of them.
procedure Run (T : in out Test;
Test_Name : String;
Listener : in out Listeners.Result_Listener'Class;
Timeout : Test_Duration)
is abstract;
Run the test with given name and place the test result to Result. Notice: If multiple tests have same name this might call all of them. Timeout specifies maximum execution time for the tests.
param T: The test object to run. param Test_Name: The name of the test which will be run. param Listener: The listener which will be called during the test execution. param Timeout: Time limit for the test.
function Test_Count (T : Test) return Test_Count_Type is abstract;
Return the amount of tests (test routines) which will be executed when the Run (T) procedure is called.
function Test_Count (T : Test; Test_Name : String)
return Test_Count_Type is abstract;
Return the amount of tests (test routines) which will be executed when the Run (T, Test_Name) procedure is called.
procedure Execute (T : in out Test'Class;
Listener : in out Listeners.Result_Listener'Class);
Call Test class’ Run method and place the test outcome to Result. The procedure calls Start_Test of every listener before calling the Run procedure and End_Test after calling the Run procedure.
procedure Execute (T : in out Test'Class;
Listener : in out Listeners.Result_Listener'Class;
Timeout : Test_Duration);
Call Test class’ Run method and place the test outcome to Result. The procedure calls Start_Test of every listener before calling the Run procedure and End_Test after calling the Run procedure. Timeout specifies the maximum execution time for a test.
procedure Execute (T : in out Test'Class;
Test_Name : String;
Listener : in out Listeners.Result_Listener'Class);
Same as Execute above, but call the Run procedure which takes Test_Name parameter.
procedure Execute (T : in out Test'Class;
Test_Name : String;
Listener : in out Listeners.Result_Listener'Class;
Timeout : Test_Duration);
Same as Execute above, but call the Run procedure which takes Test_Name parameter. Timeout specifies the maximum execution time for a test.
procedure Run (T : in out Test_Case;
Listener : in out Listeners.Result_Listener'Class);
Run Test_Case’s test routines.
procedure Run (T : in out Test_Case;
Listener : in out Listeners.Result_Listener'Class;
Timeout : Test_Duration);
Run Test_Case’s test routines with timeout value.
procedure Run (T : in out Test_Case;
Test_Name : String;
Listener : in out Listeners.Result_Listener'Class);
Run Test_Case’s test routine which matches to the Name.
procedure Run (T : in out Test_Case;
Test_Name : String;
Listener : in out Listeners.Result_Listener'Class;
Timeout : Test_Duration);
Run Test_Case’s test routine which matches to the Name, with timeout value.
function Test_Count (T : Test_Case) return Test_Count_Type;
Implementation of Test_Count (T : Test).
function Test_Count (T : Test_Case; Test_Name : String)
return Test_Count_Type;
Implementation of Test_Count (T : Test, Test_Name : String).
procedure Add_Test_Routine (T : in out Test_Case'Class;
Routine : Object_Test_Routine_Access;
Name : String);
Register a test routine to the Test_Case object.
procedure Add_Test_Routine (T : in out Test_Case'Class;
Routine : Simple_Test_Routine_Access;
Name : String);
Register a simple test routine to the Test_Case.
function Create_Suite (Suite_Name : String)
return Test_Suite_Access;
Create a new Test_Suite. Caller must free the returned Test_Suite using Release_Suite.
function Create_Suite (Suite_Name : String)
return Test_Suite;
Create a new Test_Suite. The suite and its children are released automatically.
procedure Add_Test (Suite : in out Test_Suite; T : Test_Class_Access);
Add a Test to the suite. The suite frees the Test automatically when it is no longer needed.
procedure Add_Test (Suite : in out Test_Suite; T : Test_Suite_Access);
Add a Test suite to the suite. The suite frees the Test automatically when it is no longer needed.
procedure Add_Static_Test
(Suite : in out Test_Suite; T : Test'Class);
Add a Test to the suite. This procedure is meant for statically allocated Test_Case objects.
procedure Run (T : in out Test_Suite;
Listener : in out Listeners.Result_Listener'Class);
Run Test_Suite’s Test_Cases.
procedure Run (T : in out Test_Suite;
Listener : in out Listeners.Result_Listener'Class;
Timeout : Test_Duration);
Run Test_Suite’s Test_Cases with timeout value.
procedure Run (T : in out Test_Suite;
Test_Name : String;
Listener : in out Listeners.Result_Listener'Class);
Run test suite’s child which matches to the given name.
procedure Run (T : in out Test_Suite;
Test_Name : String;
Listener : in out Listeners.Result_Listener'Class;
Timeout : Test_Duration);
Run test suite’s child which matches to the given name, with timeout value.
function Test_Count (T : Test_Suite) return Test_Count_Type;
Implementation of Test_Count (T : Test).
function Test_Count (T : Test_Suite; Test_Name : String)
return Test_Count_Type;
Implementation of Test_Count (T : Test, Test_Name : String).
procedure Adjust (T : in out Test_Suite);
Adjust procedure of Test_Suite. Handles the copying of the structure properly
procedure Finalize (T : in out Test_Suite);
Finalize procedure of Test_Suite. Frees all added Tests.
procedure Release_Suite (T : Test_Suite_Access);
Release the memory of Test_Suite. All added tests are released automatically.