type Test_Type is (CONTAINER, ROUTINE);
type Context (Phase : Test_Phase) is record
Test_Name : AStrings.Bounded_String;
Test_Kind : Test_Type;
case Phase is
when TEST_RUN =>
Routine_Name : AStrings.Bounded_String;
Message : AStrings.Bounded_String;
Long_Message : AStrings.Bounded_String;
end case;
end record;
type Result_Listener is
abstract new Ada.Finalization.Limited_Controlled with null record;
Result_Listener is a listener for test results. Whenever a test is run, the framework calls registered listeners and tells them the result of the test.
type Result_Listener_Class_Access is access all Result_Listener'Class;
procedure Add_Pass (Listener : in out Result_Listener;
Info : Context) is abstract;
Called after test passes.
procedure Add_Failure (Listener : in out Result_Listener;
Info : Context) is abstract;
Called after test fails.
procedure Add_Error (Listener : in out Result_Listener;
Info : Context) is abstract;
Called after there is an error in the test.
procedure Start_Test (Listener : in out Result_Listener;
Info : Context) is abstract;
Called before the test begins. This is called before Add_* procedures.
procedure End_Test (Listener : in out Result_Listener;
Info : Context) is abstract;
Called after the test ends. Add_* procedures are called before this.