2010-06-02 Ahven 1.8 ==================== Changes ------- * The dynamic library support with GNAT was removed since it did not work automatically in a trouble-free way on Debian, Fedora, and Windows. * Ada.Calendar dependency was removed from Ahven.Framework. Equivalent functionality is now implemented in the test runners. * Support for TAP 1.3 was dropped. TAP 1.2 is supported normally. * Janus/Ada 3.1.1d support was dropped. Ahven now requires Janus/Ada 3.1.2beta or newer. * There is now ahven.spec file in contrib/fedora to make packaging and installing Ahven easier on Fedora. Bugs fixed ---------- * If user placed a dynamically allocated Test_Case into a statically allocated Test_Suite the finalization procedure tried to release the same memory twice. This is now fixed by implementing Adjust for the Test_Suite type. (Bug bitbucket#2) * Many Some_Type'(initial values) expressions were changed into more simpler (initial values) form. This was done to avoid Janus/Ada bug no 73. Internal -------- * Code cleanup: style fixes, removal of compiler warnings and comment clarifications. * Remove_All procedure from Ahven.SList package was renamed to Clear. The new name is more consistent with Ada.Containers naming style. * Ahven.VStrings package now depends on Ada.Strings.Fixed. * Ahven.Framework.Indefinite_Test_List has no longer procedures or functions for Cursors. Same functionality can be now achieved using generic For_Each procedure. Tero Koskinen